Root Causes of Over Eating: Lesson


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Welcome to the first step on your path toward a healthier relationship with food! During this plan, you will begin to identify the underlying causes of your overeating and learn how to manage it – with God’s guidance. On the final day, I’ll share practical strategies to help you overcome the control food has on your life.


First of all, food is a gift from God. It is intended to nourish us, bring us together in community, and to be enjoyed. God did not intend for it to be something to overindulge in, make an idol of, or turn to for the fulfillment that only He can provide. With this said, it is important to redefine the role of food in your life as you move forward.


One of the most significant challenges in overcoming overeating is that our society has normalized it. Overeating has become acceptable and is often viewed as a “respectable sin” making it difficult to recognize the negative impact it has in our lives.


It’s crucial to understand that gluttony, or excessive eating, is a sin in God’s eyes. I don’t say this to cause shame or guilt but because I truly want you to experience freedom from it. I also want to emphasize that God loves you and wants what is best for you. He realizes that no amount of food will ever satisfy the true desires of your heart.


Freedom from food begins by understanding the root cause of your overeating. You may not yet know what the root cause is for you and that’s okay. I hope as you move through this plan, you will discover it as it will help you address the underlying issue that is driving you to food.


One of the most common causes people overeat is due to emotional hunger. Signs of this pattern include eating when you’re stressed, lonely, needing comfort, looking for a reward, or trying to forget past trauma. It’s okay to experience these emotions, but it’s critical to realize that food is not the solution. Emotional hunger can’t be satisfied with food; it can only be fulfilled by God. He is the one and only source of true peace, hope, and joy.


Another reason people turn to food is because they’ve made food an idol. Pastor Tim Keller defines an idol as “anything you rest your heart in more than God or love more than God. Idols are not necessarily bad things, but they are things you look to for what only God can give you.” Reflect on whether food has become your idol and has taken God’s place as first in your life.


Whatever the root causes, I know this journey might not be easy for you. Change can be hard, but I am confident that it will be rewarding. Together, we will explore steps to help you develop a healthier relationship with food and strengthen your connection with God. I am glad you decided to join me!


Make sure to watch the daily videos to gain deeper insights. In today’s video, I talk about forming your vision and finding your “why”.



Do not join those who drink too much wine

or gorge themselves on meat, …



“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.



Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.



God is our refuge and strength,

an ever-present help in trouble.



You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.

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