⅓cupcheeseyour choice, we used cheddar. Its always cheaper and healthier to buy a block of cheese and shred it yourself!
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Preheat oven to 350º.
Lay 1/3 of the tortilla into the bottom of a prepared baking dish. Sprinkle cooked chicken on top of the tortilla.
Rinse and drain the beans and pour on top of the tortilla. Sprinkle the diced onion on top of that, and then add the green chilies on top of all of that. Sprinkle half the shredded cheese over everything.
Add the remaining tortilla on top of that, and then, pour your enchilada sauce over the tortillas. Top with the remaining cheese.
Bake for about 30-40 minutes
Take out and let cool for 10 minutes. Then, cut in and enjoy! Or, let cool for a few hours, and then pop into your freezer to save and eat for later.