How To Get Started With An Exercise Routine

Welcome to Faithful Workouts! Our mission is to come alongside you and offer resources that bring health to your body and soul so you can experience life to the fullest. We offer Christian workout videos that use inspirational music and biblical encouragement, as well as recipes, meal and Bible reading plans. One of the hardest […]
5 Success Tips To Building A Happier, Healthier You

Do you have a daily motivation routine? Something that helps to set you up for success each day in reaching your health goals? It was Benjamin Franklin who said “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” There is definitely wisdom in these words. The truth is, “winging it” – to do or […]
Staying Healthy And Active While On Vacation

It’s not uncommon for people to want to “take a vacation from their workouts” while on vacation, but how many of us have come back from a trip, wishing we had eaten healthier and stayed more active? I know I’ve come back from trips and could feel my clothes fitting too tightly and feeling sluggish […]
Why The Keto Diet Is Not As Healthy As You Think

Lately, the Ketogenic (keto) Diet which restricts the number of carbs while increasing the consumption of fat has become a trendy way to lose weight and regain a healthy lifestyle. Lowering your intake of carbohydrates can have many health benefits like weight loss, migraine relief, improved sleeping, mental clarity, lower inflammation, etc., it’s also a […]
Starting Point Day 6

DAY 6 Any lasting change in life starts with a plan. Begin the journey with detailed decisions on workouts, food choices and Bible readings to keep you on track for success. Something to Think About Take time right now to schedule your next 4 workouts. Write down exactly when you will do them. Something to […]