3 Remarkable Spiritual Routines

3 Remarkable Spiritual Routines

Are you waiting for God to do something remarkable in your life? 


When we think of “remarkable” works of God, our minds might go straight to the miracles in the Bible: the Red Sea parting, the healing of a blind man, and water turning to wine


Our God is truly miraculous! His miracles, recorded in scripture, inspire awe and gratitude. They serve as a reminder of His endless love and limitless power. When I find myself needing encouragement, I frequently return to these passages and am filled with hope and comfort. 


But here’s something I think we forget far too often: The Lord, and all He does, is remarkable. 


Even when we do not recognize it, God is constantly at work, He is constantly preparing us to remarkably live out our faith. One MAJOR way He prepares us is through our daily routine. 


As followers of Jesus, our faith journey is not confined to moments of worship or isolated spiritual experiences. Rather, it is intricately woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Therefore, we should not discount the seemingly small moments. They may seem insignificant but it’s through them that God equips us to demonstrate His love and grace to a watching world. 


1.) Reflect on God’s Faithfulness 


Reflecting on God’s faithfulness is a vital component of our spiritual routine, grounding us in deeper awareness of His presence and provision. Doing so helps us navigate life’s uncertainties with renewed confidence in His steadfast love and care.


To make this practice integral to our daily lives, we can start by setting aside dedicated time each day – perhaps first thing in the morning or before bedtime – to intentionally recall specific instances where God has shown His faithfulness. This could include answered prayers, moments of unexpected grace, or times of guidance through challenges. 


You may be thinking something like, “Sure that sounds nice, but I have ZERO time in my schedule for reflection.” 


If that’s you, I get it. We live in a world where rest and quiet are beyond scarce. My best advice is to start by combining this time with another activity already in your daily routine, whether it’s while cleaning, cooking, or driving. 


One of my favorite times to reflect on God’s faithfulness is during a walk or workout. Check out the 6-minute video below where we stretch and reflect on the beautiful name of Jesus. 



2.) Publicly Proclaim God’s Goodness


By consciously acknowledging and proclaiming the Lord’s goodness, we invite His presence into our daily lives. Proclaiming His goodness publicly – whether in conversation, social media, or worship settings – serves as a witness to others, demonstrating the transformative power of God’s love and inviting them to encounter His goodness for themselves. 


Ultimately, making the proclamation of the Lord’s goodness a regular practice not only deepens our personal faith but also spreads His light and hope to those around us, glorifying His name in all aspects of our lives.


3.) Let God Lead


Letting God lead begins with cultivating a posture of surrender and trust in God’s guidance. This can be practiced by starting each day with a prayer of surrender, acknowledging our dependence on God’s direction in every decision and circumstance. Throughout the day, we can seek His wisdom through prayer and Scripture, inviting Him to lead our thoughts, words, and actions. 


As described in Isaiah 55:8-9, allowing God to lead requires humility and a willingness to set aside our own plans and desires, trusting that His ways are greater than our own. 


Our daily routines, often viewed as mundane or repetitive, hold the potential for remarkable impact when infused with intentionality. Daily dedication to God presents opportunities to embody and express our faith in ways that inspire and uplift others.


My prayer for you is that, through these three spiritual routines, you will experience God’s remarkable power and presence in your daily life. 


In what ways can you use your daily interactions and responsibilities to be a witness for Jesus and share His love and truth with others?

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