3 Easy Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers
Thanksgiving is such a fun holiday. I love when we take a break from our daily routine to give thanks. I love all the festivities that go into planning, preparing and eating a shared meal. When the day is over and all the lThanksgiving leftovers go in the fridge, though, you may be wondering what […]
10 Tips for a Happier, Healthier Holiday Season
The holiday season is all about joy, celebration, and being with the people we love—but let’s be honest, it can also be pretty stressful and leave us feeling far from our best selves. Between the gift-giving pressures, family gatherings, and everything in between, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But with a bit of intentionality, you […]
Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back
Have you ever known that you were being called to something? I’m talking about that punch-in-the-gut feeling that you need to drop what you’re doing to pursue something else. I first had this feeling while in college at Indiana University. My freshman year, I attended my first Little 500, the largest collegiate bike race in […]
The Secret to Spiritual Strength
Let’s play a quick game – Name the first three books of the Bible that come to mind. I tested this out on a few people in my life and loved hearing their responses. My close friend: Matthew, Mark, and Luke My mom: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus My husband: Psalms…uh uh…Acts and………James! If you […]
5 Ways to Nurture Your Creativity
Hello, my creative friend! Have you ever experienced a sudden desire to pick up a sketchbook, get back into journaling, or whip up a fun meal? Guess what? Those are more than just random thoughts – they’re nudges from God, reminding you of the amazing creative spark He’s planted in you. Creativity is a powerful […]
Exercise Endorphins: Why exercise makes you feel so good
What is your first thought after finishing a workout? It might be something like: Yes! I feel so accomplished That was tough, but definitely worth it I’m so proud of myself for pushing through Likely, it is NOT something like: Ugh, I wish I hadn’t done that I feel worse than before I […]
Overcoming Sugar Addiction
Alright, let’s get real here. We’ve all found ourselves reaching for that extra cookie or sneaking spoonfuls of Nutella straight from the jar. We also all know how this leaves us feeling: guilty, ashamed, and often…with a stomach ache. Sugar addiction is no joke. According to the American Heart Association, the average American eats 71.14 […]
3 Ways Laughter Improves Your Health
When was the last time you laughed? Like, really laughed? According to the National Institutes of Health, the average adult laughs 15 times a day while a child laughs 400 times a day. That’s quite the difference! As adults, we can often count our number of laughs per day on both hands. And even though […]
4 Lessons from Ephesians
Have you ever felt that the world is against you? You strive to be truthful but have frequently experienced dishonesty from others. You try to speak truth and uplift your children but social media leaves them insecure and wounded. You give of your time and resources to support noble causes but turn on the news […]
Heart Healthy Habits for Adults (Part 2)
As we discussed in Part 1 of this article, the heart is the most important organ for all components of our health. We already covered 5 strategies to support a healthy heart, but it’s so important that I want to go over 5 more today. Say yes to unsaturated fats Foods that are […]