The Benefits of Investing in YOU

The Benefits of Investing in YOU

Attention all ladies! 

I am excited to share a HUGE passion of mine today: the invaluable benefits of self-investment. 

As women, we often deny investing in ourselves. There can be several reasons for it: a feeling of guilt when we take time for ourselves, telling ourselves it is selfish to do so, that it’s not the right time, or that our resources will be better used in other areas. 

As women, wives and mothers, we habitually place the needs and desires of our loved ones over our own. That’s what we’re supposed to do…right? That’s how we best serve our loved ones…right? 

Friend, please hear me: You can not properly take care of others if you do not properly take care of yourself. As I am writing this I am waiting to get on a flight to lead retreats in Europe. I know when I get on the plane the flight attendant will remind me that in case of an emergency I should put on my own air mask before helping others. I feel like this is a good reminder for our life. If we want to be able to care for others we have to make sure we are “putting on our air mask first” 

In college, I had a lively literature professor who, unknown to me at the time, was trying to teach us exactly this. Every Friday as we were walking out of class ready to start our weekend, she’d yell, “Remember to read to page so-and-so, and remember to fill your cup!”  

Remember to fill your cup. 

Don’t get me wrong, I value my education, but those five words might be the absolute best takeaway from my time at university. 

So…what does it mean? It will look different from person to person, but filling your cup involves taking time to do what fuels you. Sadly, many of us try to fill our cups in ways that really don’t fill it. Alcohol, buying loads of new things, eating one dessert after another. These things may feel good in the moment but they won’t truly fill our cup so we can live with more joy, peace and fun. 

As a follower of Jesus, my filling always involves shifting my attention to Him. If you are also someone who follows Jesus, try praying or listening to Christian music while walking.  Choose to read books that promote righteous living…or the Word of God itself! It’s also important that we  surround ourselves with women who share our love of the Lord. 

Since the moment Jesus came into my life I have felt it in my heart to help others grow in their own, personal relationships with God. One especially transformative way to do so, I’ve found, is through retreats. For over 15 years, I’ve organized more than a dozen retreats both internationally and in the US and I can not recommend them enough!

Filling up on time with God and like-minded women is truly SO powerful – you’ll be amazed at the ways you grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

Through my experiences, I can say with certainty that the impact of internationally leaving the chaos of the world is beyond comparison. When we open our eyes to God’s goodness and guidance, we come to better understand His unique purpose for us. 


With that said, I would like to invite you to our upcoming Dominican Republic Retreat! 


This 6-day retreat is focused on filling your cup with: 

  • God-focused teachings, discussions, and reflection time
  • Daily movement curated for all fitness levels
  • Gourmet chef-prepared meals 
  • Activities that highlight the area like boating, kayaking, snorkeling, and more
  • FUN & Fellowship with women on journeys similar to yours

My hope is this trip will launch you into a life filled with joy, peace, purpose, health, community, and TONS of fun! 


Limited spaces available! It goes February 6 – 12, 2025

Click here for more details


If you are interested in attending this retreat, I urge you to spend time in prayer. I believe that when God wants us to be somewhere, He makes it known by pressing on our hearts and He makes a way for it to happen. 

Shortly after the Feeding of the Five Thousand, Jesus explains to His disciples that those who come to Him receive far more than a temporary fill. When we draw close to Him, we receive His eternal presence. 

“All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” 

John 6:37

This verse emphasizes the inclusive nature of Jesus’ invitation to come to him. It reminds us of the boundless love and grace available to us in Christ and encourages us to seek the Lord each day. 

A retreat is one way to draw closer to God. But by no means is it the only way. If you find that right now is not the right time, continue to seek out other ways to abide in His presence. He wants our cups to overflow with His goodness. 


What is one way, in your daily life, that you can start to better fill your cup? 


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